  1. resources
  2. contribute
  3. components


Guidelines for contributing Skeleton components.


Framework packages are found within the Skeleton monorepo in the following locations.

PackageFrameworkApp Framework
/packages/skeleton-svelteSvelte 5SvelteKit

The purpose of our component packages is two-fold. First, they house and export the full set of components available to that framework. Additionally, each project contains a dedicated app framework. This is used to test the components in their native environment. Use these projects as a sandbox to test and iterate before adding the components to the public facing Astro-base documentation website.

Dev Server

To run each app framework, change your directory to the respective package and run the following command.

Terminal window
cd packages/skeleton-svelte
pnpm run dev

Server Ports

The following represents the default localhost address and port for each project. This will be displayed in the terminal when starting each dev server.

  • Documentation Site: http://localhost:4321/
  • Svelte Package App: http://localhost:5173/
  • React Package App: http://localhost:5173/

You may run the documentation site and framework packages in parallel at the same time. If the server shares a port, this will increment by one for the next server (ex: 5174, 5175, etc). Keep your eye on the terminal to retrieve the specific local address.

Add Components

Components are housed in the following location per framework:


Use the following file path conventions when creating a new component:



Skeleton designates the following categories of component properties. These should be maintained in the following order.

let {
// Functional
open: false,
// Style
base: '...',
bg: '...',
classes: '...',
// Event
onclick: () => {},
// Children
} = $props<ExampleProps>();
  • Functional - these should be single instance props that directly affect the functionality of the component.
  • Style - contain and accept Tailwind utility classes to affect the style of the component.
  • Event - provide callback functions for external event handlers.
  • Children - contain reference to React children, Svelte Snippets, or similar.

Style Prop Conventions

Style props implement sementic naming conventions to enable specificity and avoid naming conflicts. These are organized into three specific categories. Each should be maintained in the following order.

  • base - houses the base utility classes, which enables faux-headless styling.
    • Replaces: cBase class definitions from Skeleton v2.
    • Parent base props are not prefixed, which helps maintain parity cross-framework
    • Child base props are prefixed: titleBase, panelBase, controlBase.
  • {property} - individual style props that houses one or more “swappable” utility classes.
    • Naming should follow Tailwind convention, except for single letter descriptors (ex: use padding instead of p).
    • Parent props are not prefixed: background, margin, border.
    • Child props are prefixed: titleBg, controlMargin, panelBorder.
  • classes - allows you to extend or override the class list with an arbitrary set of utility classes.
    • Replaces the inconsistent use of slotX and regionX classes in Skeleton v2.
    • Uses classes (plural) to avoid conflict with the standard class attribute.
    • Parent instances are not prefixed: classes
    • Child instances are prefixed: titleClasses, controlClasses, panelClasses

Here’s what this might look like in practice.

let {
// Parent
base: '...',
bg: '...',
classes: '...',
// Child
controlBase: '...',
controlBg: '...',
controlClasses: '...',
// Child (or Grandchild)
panelBase: '...',
panelBg: '...',
panelPadding: '...',
panelClasses: '...',
} = $props<ExampleProps>();
<!-- Parent -->
<div class="{base} {bg} {classes}">
<!-- Child: Control -->
<div class="{controlBase} {controlBg} {controlClasses}">...</div>
<!-- Child: Panel -->
<div class="{panelBase} {panelBg} {panelPadding} {panelClasses}">...</div>

Dynamic Style Props

In some scenarios you may need to conditionally update or swap between one or more sets of utilty classes. For this, we will use an “interceptor” pattern as demonstrated below. The rx naming convention denotes when the value is “reactive”.

<script lang="ts">
let {
active: true,
// ...
fooActive = '...',
fooInactive = '...'
// ...
} = $props<ExampleProps>();
// Interceptor
const rxActive = $state(active ? fooActive : fooInactive);
<div class="... {rxActive} ...">...</div>

TIP: for React, make use of the useState hook, ex: const [rxActive, setRxActive] = useState(...)

Type Definitions

All component props should be strongly typed using Typescript in a colocated types.ts file. Each prop should be described using JSDoc. This provides additional context through Intellisense features of text editors and IDEs and helps generate automatic documentation for these features. Remember to keep the description short and semantic.

export interface AccordionItemProps {
/** Sets the open state of the item. */
open?: boolean;
// Parent ---
/** Set the parent base styles. */
base?: string;
/** Set the parent background styles. */
background?: string;
/** Provide the parent a set of arbitrary classes. */
classes?: string;
// Lead ---
/** Sets the lead snippet element's base styles. */
leadBase?: string;
/** Sets the lead snippet element's padding styles. */
leadPadding?: string;
/** Provide arbitrary CSS classes to the lead snippet. */
leadClasses?: string;
// Children ---
/** The default slot contents within the component. */
children?: Snippet;

Composed Pattern

To keep component syntax consistent cross-framework, we implement a composed pattern. Components are composed using a set of smaller components, named slots, or snippets - depending on the framework. This implementation differs per framework.


For React, this is handled via small components that implement the dot notation syntax.



This is handled by pairing child components with Svelte Snippets.

{#snippet controlLead()}(lead){/snippet}
{#snippet control()}(control){/snippet}
{#snippet panel()}(panel){/snippet}

Dot Notation Syntax

The implementation of this will differ per framework.


To implement this, first import the reactCompose utility into the component file:

import { reactCompose } from '../../utils/react-compose';

Then scaffold your component exports at the bottom of the file:

export const Accordion = reactCompose(
AccordionRoot, // -> <Accordion>
Item: AccordionItem, // -> <Accordion.Item>
Control: AccordionControl, // -> <Accordion.Control>
Panel: AccordionPanel, // -> <Accordion.Panel>


Create a new index.ts file colocated within the /component/<ComponentName> directory:

import Tabs from './Tabs.svelte';
import TabsControl as Control from './TabsControl.svelte';
export default Object.assign(Tabs, {Control});

Component Exports

Finally, make sure components are included in the package export list.


Found in /src/lib/index.ts.

export { Foo } from "../components/Foo/Foo.jsx";
export { Bar } from "../components/Bar/Bar.jsx";


Found in /src/components/index.ts.

export { default as Foo } from './components/Foo';
export { default as Bar } from './components/Bar';

Additional Resources